so heart broken once tau bout dis story u know..
a fren of mine, latifah (bkn nama sebenar) happened 2 breakup wif her bf..
d reason is..he's getting married..n dis is d 2nd time he did dis!!! hebat kan??
standing ovation pun x layak utk mamat tu taw..
but wondering...
after d 1st case..he left d gurl bcoz he's getting married wif a woman dat he barely knows her fren pasrah...sabar jak gitu..
then after dah dpt a child from his wife, dia becerai..n balik kt my fren ni..
u know how does it feels when ur beloved one came back after leaving u..hepi kn??
sayang tu masih bersisa meski kechewa..
ya..emangnya hepi tp i pun tatau la wut shud i's risky la...
x pecaye kn dia pun shushah..pecaye pun shushah..haih~
tp decision mane yg x risky?? sumenye risky babe..
so d risk dat she take after accepting him back is d 2nd breakup wif d same reason..
"i'm getting face it!"
so like...wahhhh...mampu membuatkn mulutku ternganga for a moment..
klu la aku yg lalui sume ni..mati idup balik pun aku akan cari mamat tu...!!
tp ya la..d fact is..juz face it rite??
he's not d only guy yg ade dlm dunia nie..
guy yg xde la menjadi impian gue~ haha..
ya lo...klu la mamat tu mmg hawt n gue pun tdur ngebayagin dia..mmg patut la kot berperangai mcm &%$#*#..haha..censor tuh..(dats not d reason ya guys!!)
tah nape la wujud lg org kt dunia cmtu...
mematahkn hati org mmg keje beliau kah??
apakah hukuman yg patut dikenakan ke atas org yg sedemikian sikapnya??
eee...aku sgt panas tau dgn mamat apakan daya..ada kipas d seblah ku..(sejuk balik da..)
tindakan dia ni mmg cukup memarakkan api neraka milikku..ewahh..
yg lg sadisnye kn ialah...time memula aku knal membe ni kn..
mmg dah pnah dgr about her plan of getting married wif dis guy..
hari berganti hari...bulan berganti bulan...
mula la aku nmpk "guides" utk berbelanja utk mjlis kawen kt rak dis gurl..
n from wut i heard, plan nk kawennye ialah bulan 6 ney!!!
kashian dehh...gue ngga tau mo bilang g mana lg nih..
so for guys out there...its not gud (as usual) 2 play gurls heart n feelings ya..
same goes to gurls..hmm!!
juz b frank even if it's hard 4 u..but at not and never leave a gurl without any explaination..
ya lo..definitely u want 2 live happily ever after with whoever u want but..plz la..
let d gurl left in peace.. at least dont kill her soul.. pity her..
Allah will pay back each drop of tears dat came out from her tear glands..(hehe~)
doa org teraniaya sgt makbul ya..ingat tue!!
i wont happen to scary woo...
"Ya ALLAH, berikan yg terbaik kepadaku dan jauhkn yg tidak baik dariku. Hanya Engkau yg Maha Mengetahui segalanya.Amin."